

Find Spiritual Truths

***Comment from the site author's family
Please enjoy the study and thoughts presented here. The site author has gone to his earthly resting place. If you happen to find any "subscribe" or "contact" links, please disregard. We hope you enjoy reading these findings as much as we know he enjoyed maintaining this site. Thank you.***

Find Spiritual Truths

A look at Bible doctrines for Truth and Error
True or Counterfeit

The Bible is our God's (Yahweh's) word. Unfortunately, that Word is frequently misunderstood and an enemy has planted false seeds, resulting in false or counterfeit ideas. The purpose of this site is to discover truth and eliminate error. Because of continuing study, some ideas expressed here may no longer reflect the opinion of the author.

Choose Your preferred Bible Version:


Fast Track to Heaven (The Bottom Line) (pinned)

Keep HIS Commandments (pinned)

The Everlasting Gospel Made Easy (pinned)

When Does Sabbath Begin?
When Does a Day Begin?

To Whom Do You Pray?
Who Do You Worship?
Who is Your god?

Babylon is Fallen!

When is the Mark of the Beast?

   Faith, Hope and Charity
   Faith, Belief or Trust
   Faith or Presumption
   Faith or Fear
   Faith or Works
   Salvation By Faith

Science, $cience and Faith

Barley and Tares? or Wheat and Tares?

Virtual Reality in Prophecy

When Will The Sanctuary Be Cleansed?

The Death of Death

Three Judgments

Purgatory and the Lake of Fire

Babylon, City of Satan

Babylon, Church or Kingdom?

Daniel's Image and Legs of Iron

A Quiz for Christians - 10 End Time Questions

King(s) of the North

Marriage - Divine Gift or State Regulation?

"Trinity" or Father, Son and Their Spirit(s)

Sloppy Speech Leads to Sloppy Understanding

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or New Moons?

Judgment By Works

Man of Dust or Clay

Lunar Time Made Easy

Three Comings (& Three Resurrections)

3 X 4 Resurrections

Hell - Why, How, Who, What, When, Where?

Two Opposing Worldviews

Upside Down Bizarro World


Prophecy - The 10 Toes of Daniel 2

Tithing - Then and Now

Three Joshuas - Three Promised Lands

Three Great Apostasies

Salvation and Atonement

The Seven Sabbaths

"Yahweh" is the ONLY Name that Saves

The Hidden, Holy Name (a Conspiracy)

The True "Gospel of the Kingdom"

Government, Politics and Yahweh's Will

Government - Evil Proxies for Satan

Destruction of Family

God of Freewill or Force?

The Ultimate Will of Yahweh

Predestination - The Myth of Freewill

The Lake of Fire

Yahweh Created Time

How Yahweh's Time Differs

Instituting Yahweh's Time In My Life (a work in progress)

Yahweh's Calendar - Advanced Studies and Objections (a work in progress)

Three Harvests of Redemption

Three Feasts of Redemption

Holidays or Holy Days?

Holy Days Of Remembrance

Three Robes of Righteousness

Three Books of Judgment

Three Purifications

Three Modern Idols

Three Manifestations of Satan

False God of Science

False God of State

What Was Nailed to the Cross?

The Better... Sacrifice, Covenant, Prophet, Priest & King

When is the "End"?

Parables of Christ

Message from the Author

Online LuniSolar Calendar (Hosted by World's Last Chance)

Guest Articles and Books

The Incarnation and Liberty, by Nick Gausling

Why Yahweh's Children Don't Celebrate Christmas, by J. Preston Eby

Is God a Trinity?

Sacred Name, by Qadesh La Yahweh (best for phones)

Sacred Name, by Qadesh La Yahweh (desktops)   

The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop

God's Plan of the Ages, by Joseph Herrin (Restoration of ALL)

The Ultimate Purpose of God - All in All New, by Stuart H. Pouliot

Civil Government... by David Lipscomb

Churches Of The State, by Paul Green

The Exclusive Kingdom, by Paul Green

Real Authority, by Paul Green

Jesus and Government, by Paul Green

Leaders for Liberty, by Paul Green

Romans 13:Armed Liberty, by Paul Green

Rights And Liberties, by Paul Green

The Real Romans 13, by Paul Green

Darwin Unhinged: The Bugs in Evolution, by Fred Reed

Darwinian Biology Questioned; Missing “The Guiding Hand”, by Bill Sardi

The New French Terror, by Fay Voshell

The Problem With Equality, by Bionic Mosquito

And the Dying Cheer, by Bionic Mosquito

Jesus Is an Anarchist, by James Redford

Render Unto Caesar, by Jeffrey F. Barr

Below are concepts, studies and works in progress.

Strategy of the Deceiver

Three Gospels

The Social Gospel

Salvation by Violence, Peace by War, Order by Chaos

Church and State


Hell - Temporary, Eternal, or Myth?

Punishment, Discipline or Purification?

Restoration of ALL

Seeking What Was Lost

Three R's of Salvation

Three Temples

Three Journeys & Three Passovers

False Sabbaths_

Government of Yahweh's Kingdom

His Name in Vain

The Final Age of Redemption

Time of Jacob's Trouble

Second Death

The End of Faith

Character of God

False Weights and Measures

Yahweh Discriminates and So Should We

Spirit and Flesh - Visible and Invisible