
Think to Change Times and Laws

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Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

This is a prophecy known (superficially) by most Christians. I doubt that one in one thousand have correctly interpreted its fulfillment. Let's see if you have.

We'll start by making our own translation from the Aramaic. Don't worry, it will be easy because we will use Strongs Hebrew Dictionary. For our immediate use, we need only the first part of the verse, because, for the moment, we are analyzing the RESULTS, not the length of time. This will simplify things:

And he shall speak (mlal) great words (millah) against (tsad) the most High`(illay), and shall wear out (bla') the saints (qaddiysh) of the most High`(elyown), and think (cbar) to change (shna') times (zman) and laws (dath)

There are just six words that we want to look at very closely.

speak (mlal)
great words (millah)
think (cbar)
to change (shna')
times (zman)
and laws (dath)

I will present the definitions and then we will decide the meanings. The four digit number is Strong's number, for reference, next is the actual word, then its pronunciation, the fact that it is from the Aramaic, and finally the definitions.

4449 mlal mel-al' (Aramaic); to speak:--say, speak(-ing).

4406 millah mil-law' (Aramaic); a word, command, discourse, or subject:--commandment, matter, thing. word.

5452 cbar seb-ar' (Aramaic) a primitive root; to bear in mind, i.e. hope:--think.

8133 shna' shen-aw' (Aramaic); --alter, change, (be) diverse.

2166 zman zem-awn' (Aramaic); --season, time.

1882 dath dawth (Aramaic); decree, law.

"speak" is as we would expect.

"great words" is NOT incorrect, but neither is it as descriptive as it could be. "great words" could mean (but doesn't) large fancy words. It could mean (but doesn't) poetic, flowery words. Considering that it is words against the Most High, it would have to be either accusations or an attempt to undo something Yahweh has done. Of the definitions of the Aramaic word "millah", only command or commandment meets the requirement. A command against the Most High.

"think" (cbar) also is NOT incorrect, but "hope" may be slightly better.

"to change" is perfect

And now we get to the most overlooked and least understood: "times" (zman). This word has two possible definitions, "times" and "seasons". Let's set it aside for a moment before deciding.

"and laws" (dath) is also translated perfectly, remembering that the ten commandments are Yahweh's law.

For many years, Christians have believed that this prophecy of Daniel and the fourth beast with ten horns and teeth of iron represents the "Kingdom" of Rome. This is the beast that will (already did?) change times and laws.

Rome made MANY laws. Only one was a direct commandment against Yahweh. According to the fourth commandment, Sabbath is the seventh day. Rome changed this law and said sabbath would now be the first day. This change in law resulted in no change to time. The time was the same, the law was changed. Yes, Rome's sabbath happens to be at a different time, but that was by law, not by changing time.

Returning to the word "times" (zman), it COULD mean times or seasons. "Time" as we use it, literally means "time of day", but it also can refer to some inexact period of time, as in "times are changing" or the "time was ripe". In this respect, it is used as "season", not spring and fall, but "everything in its due season (time)".

In actuality, Rome changed BOTH, time and seasons. This prophecy has already been fulfilled and requires greater understanding and acknowledgment. Rome changed the time of the clock by starting the day at midnight instead of evening and morning, AND it changed the seasons of the year by starting the year on January 1, instead of the new moon closest to the spring equinox, AND it changed the weeks to be perpetually repeating cycles instead of starting fresh with each new moon AND it changed the months to be random without any borders or boundaries (see Yahweh Created Time).

Tell me if that doesn't qualify as an attempt to change times and seasons? All these changes to times and seasons are contained in the Roman calendar, which reflects these "hoped for" changes. The word "calendar" perfectly describes "time AND seasons".

Between the change of law and the change of times, Rome has completely fulfilled Daniel's prophecy. Don't you think we should be concerned about what the Satanic beast has already accomplished?

If these changes are against the Most High (and we know they are), isn't it our duty to determine Yahweh's will for us?

Our (better) translation of the first part of Daniel 7:25 would be:

And he shall speak commands against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and hope to change Yahweh's calendar and His commandments:

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