
Babylon (City of Satan) - Bride; Church or Kingdom?

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For years we have been taught, and believed, that Babylon is the false church and that Jerusalem, the City of God, represents the bride and the true church. Also, that we, as believers, are part of the body of Christ, the true church which will be the Bride in a union (marriage) with Christ, the Bridegroom.

This study will show that:

Babylon is NOT a church

the Bride, The City of God, is NOT the church.

The believers are NOT the bride NOR the church.

The concept of "church" has been (purposely) confused.


Two Women - Babylon; City of Satan & the Bride; Church or Kingdom?

Babylon; City of Satan

Jerusalem Bride; Church or Kingdom?

Church in the Bible

Ekklesia, Citizens of the Kingdom

Metaphors, True or Mixed

City (Kingdom) of God