
Jurisdiction - Babylon or Heaven?

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Jurisdiction is the answer to the question "Who has authority?" Loyalty (Fealty) is the answer to "Who has jurisdiction".

If you live and work in Nevada, Nevada will claim jurisdiction (authority or control) over all your actions. Nevada will claim that Nevada law controls and judges you. But, if you take a vacation and drive to California, California will claim jurisdiction over your actions while you are visiting that state. If you break a California law, California will prosecute under California laws. Nevada law will have no effect.

This is called geographical or territorial jurisdiction; jurisdiction given / assumed because of geographic location. The United States, however, will claim jurisdiction over you in both (all) US states for purposes of federal laws.

When Paul (a Jew) was arrested and beaten in Jerusalem, he claimed Roman jurisdiction because he was (also) a Roman citizen (Acts 22:25). This meant he could be under (protected by) Roman law, not the law of Jerusalem. Paul had a CHOICE of jurisdictions (dual citizenship). Had he said nothing, Jerusalem would have gladly exercised jurisdiction over him (which they wanted so they could execute him). But, by CHOICE, Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen to demand Roman jurisdiction; two opposing jurisdictions at the same time.

Initially, Yahweh was over everything. In the garden, Yahweh was Lord over the marriage of Adam and Eve (and everything else in their lives). This continued for centuries. The following scripture demonstrates the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.

And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death. Genesis 24:67

Even at the time of the Messiah, marriages were feasts and celebrations, not church events or licenses. (Matthew 22, John 2)

Eventually the church (Roman Church) usurped power as it was able. For many years (from 300 AD to the early 20th century) its usurped power and influence was almost absolute while state power was weak or non-existent, but increasing.

The church claimed that marriages, being a divine (religious) institution, were SOLELY under its control and jurisdiction. A marriage, to be recognized by the church (which was the only recognition that counted at that time), must be performed in a church and officiated by a church officer and divorces could only be granted by the church. Where the church was strong, records of births, death and marriages were recorded and kept by the church. Where the church was weak or distant these records were kept in the family Bible.

Slowly at first, but then more rapidly, church power waned while the power and influence of the state grew. This shared power is called concurrent jurisdiction. Spiritual things were kept under control of the church while other (civil) affairs were assumed by the state. Sometimes these competing jurisdictions divided issues nicely. But both the church and the state wanted all the power and influence. So sometimes they fought over their rights and control. The church's jurisdiction is called Ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Canon law (church law) ruled and controversies and ecclesiastical crimes were tried in Ecclesiastic (church) courts.

Now days, State (government) power is almost absolute. In some (most) jurisdictions (countries) the state even controls marriages. Marriage, a divine gift from God (see Garden of Eden) was first usurped by the church, then twisted into a privilege granted by the state. Many states made mixed marriages illegal and required Negroes (black and other non-white folk) to get a license (see Anti-miscegenation laws). This was originally under the assumption that they were not free (being slaves) so needed permission to marry.

Eventually, many states (countries) required all people to get permission (a license) to marry. "... a license may be issued by authorities, to allow an activity that would otherwise be forbidden." (Dictionary definition). Black's Law Dictionary defines it as "A permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or would be a trespass or a tort. State v. Hipp, 38 Ohio St. 220; Youngblood v. Sexton, 32 Mich. 406, 20 Am. Rep. 054; Hubman v. State, 61 Ark. 4S2. 33 S. W. 843; Chicago v. Collins, 175 111. 445. 51 N. E. 907, 49 L. R. A. 40S, 67 L. R. A. 224."

The God given gift and right to marry was twisted into a privilege requiring permission from the government (which is a proxy for Satan). Remember, a licensed privilege can just as easily be withheld.

Other states (countries, especially Latin countries) still, to this day, allow BOTH civil and/or ecclesiastical marriages. A couple can be married in a church (religious ceremony) AND/OR by a judge or other government officer (civil ceremony). BOTH are equally valid. Many couples do BOTH. The religious ceremony to please the parents and/or for the pomp and ceremony and the civil ceremony for making it easier to obtain government records. Either ceremony, by itself is valid and the two together do not create duplicate marriages.

This situation APPEARS to also be true in most of the United States, but is not. Church ministers are made to be government officials so ALL ceremonies (even those performed in a church by a minister) are by a government officer. This is in direct conflict with the concept of separation of church and state. It is impossible for separation when both duties reside in the same person (conflict of interest, and no separation of powers). Either, he is an agent of God, or he is a government official. He can NOT be both and maintain separateness. Ministers and priests should "choose you this day whom you will serve", God or man (Joshua 24:15, Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13).

This isn't meant to be a history or treatise on law, but it is essential to understand the concept of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. As a citizen of the Kingdom of Yahweh, you have the right to demand Yahweh's jurisdiction over you and your life as Paul had the right to choose Roman jurisdiction instead of Israel. The Gospel of the Kingdom teaches us where that kingdom is and how to claim its jurisdiction. If we obey and follow the law of Yahweh and are a child of His Kingdom we can claim His protection and jurisdiction. If we obey and follow the laws of man (Satan's proxies) we are under those laws and demands.

There is no concurrent jurisdiction shared between Yahweh and Satan. It is one or the other - nothing in between. There is no darkness in light (1 John 1:5). You are either under the Jurisdiction of Babylon or within the Kingdom of Heaven. You either obey and serve Satan or Yahweh. There is no other choice or option. There is no "(C) Neither of the above" or "(D) Both".

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:2-4

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