The plan of the Creator was for a family to live together and grow and prosper and procreate and rule the Earth, one family at a time, only within the limited confines and reach of each.
And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Genesis 1:28
Even after sin had entered and altered God's perfect plan, the family mostly continued unchanged. This was God's plan for government and social organization on Earth. Periodically, paganism (heathen, idol worship) temporarily interfered with this plan. Even God's children, the Israelites, at times, turned from Him and sacrificed their children by fire in the arms of the idol, Molech (Jeremiah 32:35). But still, the family largely persisted.
God didn't originally provide for any governmental unit larger than the family. When children grew up, they were to LEAVE their father and mother and form (cleave) a new (separate) family unit in marriage.
The plan was for the family to be a partnership between a father and a mother (male and female) who jointly ruled over their children until they were able to make their own family. The size of each family unit was physically constrained by the time it took from conception to birth (nine months) and the number of children that could be physically raised before the first were mature (able to form their own family). Without considering the possibility of multiple births (twins, triplets), this would make a maximum physical limit of maybe 20 children (in reality, more likely not more than a dozen) plus the father and mother, or about 10-22 people. This is the governmental unit that God created. This was His plan.
Larger sized groups become unwieldy, inefficient and corrupt (see Here). Today, this small sized group organization is becoming popular again and is known as a network or decentralization ("B" see Here) versus a centralized organization ("A"). The centralized hierarchy ("C") is the very worst and is infamous as demonstrated by corrupt churches and governments.
Centralization Decentralization
C Hierarchy
We are told that even though it was a partnership for life (father and mother joined as one) the father had dominion. (Genesis 3:16, Ephesians 5:22-23, Colossians 3:18, Titus 2:5, 1 Peter 3:1-5).
But every good gift and every perfect plan of our Father has been targeted by the enemy, who plants weeds in the Father's perfect garden. see the Parable of Barley and Tares