
How extensive is the right of individual self-determination?

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Next we will examine concepts that clearly fall into the right of individual self-determination. Then, we will push the limits to areas where this right has not been traditionally allowed, and we will ask why?

Most people agree that all should be allowed to decide how they want to worship. Unfortunately this is not universal. There are still areas of the world where the "wrong" choice can result in ostracism, exile, or even death perpetrated by "Busybody do-gooders".

Most of the "civilized" world accepts the individual choice of who one will date or marry. This also isn't universal. ("Busybody do-gooders" work here too, frequently they are family members).

Following are some well accepted choices (mostly, but not necessarily) left to the individual:

What to study in college, whether to attend college, what one's lifework should be, where one will live, whether to buy a house or rent, which house to buy or rent, what kind of car to drive, what color it should be, what clothes to wear, what hobbies or activities to enjoy, what to read, how many children to have, if any, how they should be trained, educated, fed and cared for, what to eat, what to drink, how to treat one's body, what doctors to trust, the types and extent of medical care they want to accept or refuse if they become unable to make those decisions due to illness, (guaranteed in the U.S. by the 1990 Patient Self-Determination Act). There are many more decisions that everybody makes daily, but this list is demonstrative.

Now, let's push the limits a little...

If I truly had the right of self-determination, I wouldn't need permission to teach my children at home.

If I truly had the right of self-determination, I could choose to drive my car or not without a piece of plastic in my wallet (driver's license).

What's the difference between training my children and teaching my children? Why is "training" allowed by right of choice while "teaching" (education) is not?

"Ohhh, that's because the 'state' has an interest in how your children are educated!" Who gave the 'state' that right and why do they know better than I? Answer - Busybodies! Busybody do-gooders who want to control others!

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