If I had complete self-determination, I could do anything I wanted. If you also had this right, you could do anything you wanted. There is a place where these two rights collide. That place is where your choices interfere with my choices.
How can these opposing desires be resolved? It's rather easy. Your right of self-determination is complete until it interferes with my right. Your right to decide who you should marry is NO right of mine, unless I happen to be the one who you want to marry, then I would have to agree.
Likewise, how I educate (or don't educate) my children is no right of yours, unless you happen to be my spouse, and then we need to agree.
If I exercise my right to decide to drive a car without a permission slip, it is no right of yours or some fictional "state" unless I collide with you. Then, I would need to compensate you, just like under current "state" rules.