
What Is The "State"?

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The "state" is a "legal fiction". A legal fiction can be defined as "a means by which something can be done in law, which, without the legal fiction, would not be possible." (see here for further explanation) The "state" is a corporation. A corporation cannot be seen or felt or lifted or put in a pocket or a box or a building. It has no physical being or characteristics. This legal fiction called the "state" pretends to have the right and certainly has the power through its minions called "agents" or "officers", to force us to obey its dictates.

The "state" does NOT use persuasion, it only uses coercion, which leads to force which leads to violence. This is the "state".

So here is the question: If the state uses force, is its character God-like or Satan-like? Who is its father?

The state specializes in extortion, theft, kidnapping and murder, all through the initiation of violence. The "state" does "legally" what would be criminal for you and me to do.

The "state" makes rules excepting, deleting, removing, abrogating some of your rights to self-determination. By what authority does the state act? By authority of Busybodies, do-gooders, coercion, violence of force and its ultimate father, Satan.

"Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. Government is force..." George Washington

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Tse Tung

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