
Babylon's Fake Healing

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"... for by thy PHARMAKEIA (sorceries, the use or the administering of drugs) were all nations deceived." Revelation 18:23.

No better example exists to demonstrate this fraud than the fake "pandemic" with its fake "vaxxine" - all nations deceived. It's not the purpose to treat this topic anymore than summarily or convince anyone here. There is plenty of other available evidence. The pharmaceutical industry's "vaxxines" do not cure the disease, do not stop the transmission, do not protect against it and do not stop or reduce death. It is all fraud. Fear of the disease is, itself a fraud, whipped up and aided by the compliant media.

There are three categories of pharmakeia.

1. Those to (supposedly) heal or protect the body (pharmaceutical drugs - Big Pharma).
2. Recreational drugs, pushed or prescribed.
3. Occult anti-aging drugs (you will not die or grow old - adrenenachrome)

Pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed by a doctor or injected at vaxxine delivery sites. They promise to heal or cure or protect but that is a lie. Almost ALL pharmaceutical drugs only treat symptoms not disease and fail to deliver as promised. In most instances they make the disease worse.

Recreational drugs (substance abuse) are well known to destroy lives, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

Adrenenachrome use is blatant Satanic worship. (you can read about it elsewhere).

"... for by thy PHARMAKEIA (sorceries, the use or the administering of drugs) were all nations deceived." Revelation 18:23.

When Babylon is destroyed this will be seen and admitted by all. I don't know which comes first or which is cause or effect. The exposure of the pharmakeia fraud may lead to the fall of Babylon or its fall may expose the pharmakeia fraud.

Fake bodily protection corresponds with the temptation for the Son to throw himself off the pinnacle because he would be protected by the Father.

We are protected bodily, but not by "vaxxines", not by taking drugs, and not by jumping off pinnacles. We are protected by living healthy lives (natural immunity) and true faith in YHWH our Father.

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