
Babylon's Fake Governments

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Satan has convinced the men of all nations that they need to be ruled and protected by other men. They have been convinced that elections guarantee majority rule and that is fair and equitable and under their control. This allows and encourages campaign financing and donations and lobbying ("legal" bribes brokered by lobbyists).

These fake governments are sold to the highest bidder. Men were created to rule themselves, not others, nor to be ruled by others. Satan, through his minions, has convinced them otherwise, making them dependent on men instead of depending on their heavenly Father.

Some governments are worse (more fake) than others. The greater control (tyranny) a government exercises, the more Satanic it is. Dictatorships have the greatest danger of tyranny, followed closely by communism and socialism. Democracy is dictatorship by the majority (aka mob rule). The "majority" is not a good guide for moral decision making. The majority follow Satan. The majority are historically wrong. None of these fake governments allow men the freedom to rule themselves, being answerable only to their maker and responsible (liable) for injury to others.

This rule of all the kingdoms (fake governments, fame and power) is what Satan offered the Messiah if only He would worship him.

Of the three categories of temptations, pharmakeia is the most blatant lie, the greatest fraud. Satan frequently delivers fame and fortune (power and wealth) and (for now) we can spend the fake "money". But pharmakeia, instead of bodily protection or healing, delivers sickness and death.

"It will be fun", he says

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