
NO ONE Buying

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NO ONE will be buying from the merchants.

Those without the mark of the beast will not have permission to access the financial market. They can NOT buy or sell. But, those who HAVE the mark of the beast, even though they have permission, will NOT be buying or selling after Babylon's fall. This can only be explained by a complete collapse and failure of the financial (credit) system.

This agrees with the "great reset" as proposed and propounded by WEF (World Economic Forum) and Klaus Schwab and his 'great men' of Davos.

It is likely that Satan will be unmasked (Babylon exposed, fallen) at the same time that the sheeple unmask.

An angel will illuminate (enlighten) the Earth. Since Babylon is spiritual, not physical, this will be a spiritual enlightenment. The peoples' eyes will be opened. They will see through the scams, the fakes, the frauds.

When the people refuse to continue wearing masks it will be because they recognize the whole false narrative. All nations were deceived by Babylon's pharmekeia (drugs, pharmaceuticals, fake pandemic). All nations were deceived by Babylon's fake "money" (debt credit) with its dishonest balances, weights and measures. All nations were deceived by Babylon's false, destructive, tyrannical government (Marxism, communism, socialism, collectivism, democracy, central planning).

All these fakes will be unmasked. Satan will be unmasked. The people will unmask. Babylon will fall.

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