
Babylon Will Fall

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It is not known what form this fall will take nor the amount of resulting destruction. It is possible that those who were (previously) deceived will become enraged, lusting for vengeance. It may make the French revolution seem like a Sunday picnic. Satan's minions, the elite puppet-masters, will be blamed and probably attacked. Heads may roll.

Babylon will fall.

Revelation 18:17 tells us that it will be a financial destruction.

For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.

Revelation 18:21 tells us it will be a violent and permanent destruction.

Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

It will be a great reset, but not according to Klaus Schwab's dreams. Instead of gaining complete domination of the world, as a new world order and one world government, Babylon will fall in complete destruction. The puppet-master will be no more. Unfortunately, the beast isn't destroyed yet. That happens later (Revelation 19:20).

Consumers will survive (they live) but they don't buy anything. Those without the mark of the beast don't buy because they lack permission. But those with the mark don't buy anything either (Revelation 18:11). NO ONE will be buying from the merchants.

Commerce will die. The easiest explanation is that the currency will become worthless so nobody has the means to buy. Credit (debt) is Babylon's false balance fraudulent "money". When Satan and his city, Babylon are unmasked by illumination of the Earth, faith in its fraudulent claims will die. Its fraudulent "money" will die. Its fraudulent pandemic and pharmakeia will die. Its fraudulent form of government will die. Its control over the beast will die.

Praise and rejoice the fall of Babylon. The fraud is dead. "Ding dong the wicked witch is dead."

Praise the King of Kings, praise the holy name of YHWH.

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