The next group (corporate) apostasy was that of the Christian church. Yahushua (Jesus) the Messiah chose a new people to replace the apostatized Children of Israel. Yahusua taught His Kingdom, but His followers turned it into a "church" that increased dramatically after Pentecost. While it took the Children of Israel more than a thousand years to apostatize, the new Christian church accomplished it in less than 300 years. This apostasy entered into the congregation little by little and Paul tells us that the apostasy was already working in his time (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,7).
This isn't to infer that NO followers of Christ remained true. It is a discussion of the CORPORATE apostasy, where the ORGANIZED church became the Roman church which became the little horn (Daniel 7:8) of the fourth beast (Daniel 7:7).
1. Changing Government
Speaking of the organized church, it is the very ORGANIZATION itself that caused Step 1, a change in government. Israel asked for and received a KING (their change in government). In 312 A.D. the emperor Constantine "converted" to Christianity and merged the (Christian) church with his Roman state and organized it into a hierarchical church government identical to that of the Roman civil government.
The early church didn't adopt a king like Israel did, but men, hungry for power, were more than happy to usurp the leadership and accept the favors and power granted by Constantine.
Yahweh's true Kingdom has Christ as its King with each man responsible for himself, under Christ, only. A hierarchical government, when drawn as an organizational chart is like a pyramid. It has a MAN as the head of other men, who are over others, until finally the lowly "peons" have no one under them. This is the organization adopted by the Roman church in apostasy. (see "Hierarchy of the Catholic Church").
This was the culmination of the usurped change of government that guaranteed corporate apostasy.
2. Obeying man instead of Yahweh.
As soon as a hierarchy exists, men have to obey their superiors instead of Yahweh. This continued to worsen until the "church" was finally left with a pope claiming infallibility over all. An "infallible" man with claimed "divine revelation" can and did make enforceable any laws he wanted.
3. Hiding the name of "Yahweh"
The "church" of Rome copied the ineffable name doctrine of the Jews, whom they hated. This means that all Bible versions (Greek and Latin) substituted the true name "YHWH" (Yahweh) with "Theos" or "Dominus" (God, a title, NOT a name). see Conspiracy #2 and the Catholics. Yahweh, the Almighty God, was hidden (removed) from His people. His Holy name was again stolen.
4. Substituting Yahweh's sign, His Sabbath
The church in apostasy accepted the Jewish substitute "Saturday" Sabbath as binding, and later changed it to "Sunday" (calling it "the Lord's day") to display their (false, but claimed) authority. see "Yahweh Created Time ".
5. Changing Yahweh's laws.
The multitude of man-made laws enforced by the Roman church are so numerous they won't be mentioned here. Unfortunately, many innocent people were killed by enforcement of these man-made laws.
The corporate apostasy of the new church was complete. Yahweh was no longer King of His Kingdom. It apostatized to become the Church of Rome, whose god is not Yahweh but the "infallible" Pope.
This should have been no surprise because it was all prophesied. What would have been surprising is if these prophecies had NOT come true. (see apostasy prophesies here).
Afterward, the Kingdom of Yahweh could be found, briefly, in various Protestant movements, many of which have since apostatized.