Is a marriage license required by members of Yahweh's Kingdom? Is a piece of paper required?
We have already discussed "license" and "jurisdiction". Now lets apply that knowledge to this question:
There is a popular minister of internet and television with an almost photographic memory of Bible facts but who seems deficient in interpreting some of its principals. When asked by a caller if a government paper (a marriage license) is required, this minister claims that the law of the land should be obeyed, meaning to follow the regulations of the state. Of course, he is a state licensed minister so he has a conflict of interest and can't say anything that disagrees with his master, the state. This means, he says, that if the state says a piece of paper is required you should get it.
I agree, If you are living in the jurisdiction of the state, obeying the laws of man, outside the Kingdom of Yahweh and the state says you need a license or a piece of paper, you probably should get it (although, it STILL isn't required, even by most states).
But, if you are living in the Kingdom of Yahweh, obeying the law of Yahweh, you are outside the jurisdiction of the state. There is no law of God that requires a license because the act of marriage is not illegal, it is a Divine gift. (remember, a "license" is only required to do something that would be illegal without it).
This same minister of the state preaches that a Government piece of paper is beneficial for "Recognition" of your marriage. "Don't you want your marriage recognized?" he asks. Recognized by WHOM? By the State? So what? By the local community? The caller wasn't suggesting eliminating the ceremony (a ceremony isn't Biblical law, but only a tradition). A wedding ceremony confers "recognition" by the local community. Openly and notoriously living together has historically and legally also been recognition of marriage. But the caller ONLY asked about the "piece of paper".
Is it necessary to get permission from the state to accept a Divine Gift from our Maker?
When a "Sabbath Worship License" is required for that other Divine garden gift (the Sabbath), will this minister of the state tell everyone to run down to the government house and apply for this license, too? So their Sabbath worship can be "recognized"? Legal? Because it is the law? And we should obey the law of man?
Only you can decide where you live, who is your Master, whose law you obey and the requirements of that jurisdiction. No one else can decide for you.
Do what you can to accept, uphold, defend and encourage the Divine Gift of Marriage and its result, the family, the Father's government on Earth.