
Three Harvest Judgments

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In today's litigious society we tend to consider "judgments" as only court outcomes or court decisions. However, most Biblical judgments were NOT court cases at all, but were instances of saving the innocent or correcting the guilty. This study is not about those.

There are multiple end time "court" judgments. This study is an examination of the three different harvest judgments, the last three judgments prophesied in our Bible.

Based on modern court process, judgments are the outcomes of jury deliberations - innocent or guilty or the amount of damages awarded. This is similar to the heavenly pattern. There is a jury in the heavenly pattern, but it is not composed of twelve peers. The heavenly jury consists of only one person and very few have discovered who that person is.

Discovering the jury will tell us much about the process and outcome.

First, let's discover the judge. As in a jury trial in our courts, the judge doesn't decide the verdict. The judge only orders or enforces the verdict of the jury. The jury makes the actual decision.

In common law countries the judge is independent from the prosecuting and defending lawyers. In civil law countries the judge can act as prosecutor and defender. This is closer to the heavenly model.

Many people mistakenly believe that God the Father is the judge.

But this would be wrong. The Father delegated this job to his Son. The Son is also our advocate (lawyer / defense counsel) AND prosecutor.

(we will discuss the overview first, proofs will be provided later)

The jury that hears the sinner's case is composed of only one person, the defendant himself.

I know this all may sound far fetched or illogical, but be patient and let's examine the proof together. This judgment process is described as being ongoing:

1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must BEGIN at the house of יהוה [Yahweh]: and if it first begin at us, what shall the END be of them that obey not the gospel of יהוה?

This verse shows that there are different judgments at different times, a beginning and an end. First will be the judgment of the righteous, later the unrighteous. This is why the representation using harvests is so accurate. There is the spring harvest (barley), the summer harvest (wheat) and the fall harvest (grapes) see Harvests Of Redemption, all at different times and seasons.

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