
Replace Yahweh in the Family

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All of societies' sophistries discussed in previous chapters have negatively impacted the family. But nothing compares with the removal of Yahweh from the family and the intrusion of the state (Satan's proxy government) into the sanctity of Yahweh's institution of marriage.

Families can defend against societies' claims and demands. But there is nothing it can do against the state. The state is all powerful and comes bearing court orders. The family's only defense is to leave (come out of her) like Abraham did. Preferably, the family can leave before proceedings are instituted. Courts order things like visitation rights, segregation of property, and theft of children. More subtly, it regulates how a family must operate.

How did this happen? It didn't used to be so. Marriage and family were instituted by Yahweh, Himself, in the Garden. If is is an institution of Yahweh, how has the state interjected itself?

First and foremost, there is a lack of faith in Yahweh that results in a lack of separation of the state from the politics and religion of Yahweh's Kingdom (see Religion of State). The only solution is a change of relationship with Yahweh.

Second, there is a lack of love that results in disunity and destruction of the family unit. If the family is united it has much more strength to resist the state. The only solution is a change of relationship between husband and wife.

Third, the couple unwittingly invited the state into its partnership. This was done when they requested permission from the state to marry. This permission is known as an application for a marriage license. Organized "religion" has aided and abetted this intrusion by encouraging its members to "legally" marry. Frequently its ministers require or encourage a "marriage license". Instead, it should be teaching its flock that marriage is truly an institution of Yahweh NOT the state.

Matthew 19:4-6
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

True marriage is of Yahweh, not the state. In many countries of the world there are two marriages, equally recognized. A marriage by the church and a marriage by the state. Some couples get both, others only one or the other. In biblical times, the act of intercourse was all that was required to join a couple. Since intercourse has become simply recreational, it no longer carries that solemn function (at least in the peoples minds).

Family is the most local and de-centralized government in existence. It is autonomous and independent. It is a distributed form of government. Satan and Central planners hate it because they can't control it. Maintain your independence. Keep your family strong.

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