
Steal the Children

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Lions while hunting, try to separate the weak and the young from any flock or herd. This makes them easy prey, without protection from their parents. Satan, our adversary (1 Peter 5:8) does the same.

Steal the children. Separate them from their parents' protection.


This has primarily been accomplished through "free" (is anything really free?) and universal public education. This was the 10th plank of the "Communist Manifest" and was embraced by Adolf Hitler.

On May 1, 1937 Adolf Hitler declared: "the youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will it take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing" (The Nizkor Project, 2009). To this end every segment of German society comprised the educational system and all people within the boundaries of the Reich, especially German youth, were perpetual students of Nazi propaganda and indoctrination. Streets were littered with Nazi propaganda, newspapers, radio broadcast, and films were controlled by the Nazis along with the school curriculum and text books. Nazis also controlled the information people had access too by censoring and destroying materials they deemed dangerous through the "purging" of libraries and bookstores. (Noakes & Pridham, 1974, p.345)

All education is "propaganda". The question is, does that education instill my values? or opposite values? It is this author's contention that public education has stolen the minds and hearts of our children. Even private schools have been forced to adopt the public curriculum. This (pseudo) "education" has replaced Yahweh's values with the values of Satan. Sex, through the "sexual revolution" and sex "education" have removed sacred sex from the parental family unit. Sex is no longer limited to the family. This has weakened the cohesiveness of family.

There are no longer any MORALS or ETHICS. EVERYTHING is relative, no longer measured by any standard or rule. And they accuse us of anarchy!


Peer pressure is hard to combat. Movies, TV, video games, friends, societal norms, all act to influence our children, usually differently than what we want.


If education and peer pressure are insufficient, many children are "stolen" from their fathers (the ruler of the family). Children raised without a father lack the good discipline of the family unit. (more about this later).


If all else fails, if the family fights back too hard, children will be forcibly removed and placed under child custody and in foster homes. This may be for feeding or educating or health care, in opposition to the state "party line".

All these techniques are intended to win (steal) the hearts, minds and souls of our children.

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