"Bizarro World" was a fictional planet in 1960's comic books. Everything on this planet was opposite to earth.
The popular TV series "Seinfeld" followed with an episode, "The Bizarro Jerry", in which there was a world filled with opposite "twins" for each character.
Prior to both of these, in 1944 George Orwell wrote a book called "Nineteen Eighty-Four". This novel was about a dystopian world in which everything was reversed.
"Newspeak" was the new language that allowed and promoted the reversals.
"Doublethink" was the rationale that caused the acceptance.
"Big Brother" was the all-seeing government personified in the form of a caring, overbearing god.
Ministries of Love, Peace, Plenty, and Truth were all misnomers that promoted the very opposite of their names.