
Reset and The New World Order

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We have all been deluded into believing that the covid "pandemic" had something to do with health and science. It never did, which is why the narrative, true or false, was irrelevant.

What it truly was/is, is an excuse for implementation of The Great Reset which is a plan for one world government of power and domination. This is the ultimate exercise of power by the dragon through its system of control we call Babylon and its proxy minion, Rome/U.S./toes of iron. The final confrontation is approaching, the end is coming, but it cannot proceed until the Kingdom is preached and men enter it, by coming out of Babylon.

The "The Great Reset" is Plan A. They have no Plan B.

The World Economic Forum, a group of influential men who meet in Davos, Switzerland have marked this year to discuss and implement the The Great Reset.

Quoting from their website, "There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative."

See also Introducing the 'Great Reset,'

Search online yourself and study The Great Reset

See The UN Divides the World into 10 'Regional Groupings'

Making predictions is far more difficult than interpreting history, especially when it's about the future.

But, I would not be surprised to see the whole world (one world government, one kingdom) divided into 10 governing districts or Regions. This would be in keeping with the attempt to destroy nations and their borders. It also corresponds with claims and reports by NWO (New World Order) think tanks. If this happens, this will be the 10 toes. If not, we need to keep alert to watch for them elsewhere.

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