
Holy-Day Feasts Today

            Feasts of Redemption
            Holidays or Holy Days

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It's strange how Christians resist observing and remembering Yahweh's Holy-Days while they go merrily along observing and remembering Satan's pagan holidays.

They will use arguments like:
    Yahweh's feasts were for the Jews, not us.
    Yahweh's feasts were "nailed to the cross".
    Yahweh's feasts included animal sacrifices, so have been done away.
    Yahweh's feasts aren't part of the ten commandments, so not required of me.

There is no requirement by anyone (Yahweh or Satan) to observe Christmas, a known pagan holiday, yet most Christians celebrate it every year.

I guess habits have more influence than Yahweh's word. We easily follow our habits and fail to obey Yahweh.

Arguments proceed like this:
    Christmas isn't really a pagan holiday.
    (or even if it is, that isn't my intent).
    It is the celebration of Jesus birth.
    Yes, I know He wasn't born on December 25.
    But it's the thought that counts.
    It's such a nice holiday.
    It makes me feel good.
    I like the lights and music.
    There's no harm.

Not one of those arguments includes a "thus sayeth Yahweh". Where Yahweh has specifically spoken (giving us His Holy Days), excuses are given. The same kind of arguments could be made for all Satan's other holidays (besides Christmas), but you understand the principal.

We have studied that Yahweh gave His people the Holy-Day feasts and that their observance continued to be kept by the apostles after the cross. We have studied that they will be kept in Heaven. We have Yahushua's (Jesus') direct command on how to continue observing His Holy-Day of Passover. Do we have to keep them today? That is for you to decide, but as for me and my house, we will choose to follow Yahweh.

Joshua 24:15
... choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve Yahweh.


Feasts of Redemption
Holidays or Holy Days

Feasts of Redemption
Holidays or Holy Days